Truncated Domes ADA Access Tile - 2' x 4' Mat - Cast in Place
Truncated Domes are the ideal underfoot audible and tactile detectable warning surface to alert visually impaired pedestrians of their proximity to potentially hazardous walking transitions, or obstacles.
ADA tiles are commonly placed in and near sidewalk curb ramps, crosswalks, reflecting pools, top of stair landings, transit platform edge dropoffs, wheelchair ramps, and by vehicle roadways. All of Access Tile's tactile paving mats are fully ADA Standard compliant with more than 30 years of engineering and in-field use.
The Cast In Place replaceable tiles are designed for application in wet-set concrete installations and are geared for projects requiring durable low-cost ADA compliant tiles.
Damaged tiles can be swapped out and replaced per unit in mere minutes by removing the anchor screws using a common T-27 Torx Bit driver.
Please Call (800) 604-5337 for availability and bulk pricing.
Minimum Order = 5 Tiles