Unfortunately, it also had a tendency to haze the paver surface. While most companies have moved away from Portland and their blends, they have not moved very far. Instead they went to fly ash or crushed limestone. When these products are mixed with a binding agent like polymers, they have the same tendency to create haze on the surface of the pavers.Not Pavermate Z3. Understanding the purpose of certain ingredients is critical to a successful product. We still need to alter the pH of our sand but we provide an entirely new technology, keeping the surface of your projects clean and clear.
Zero dust. Every ingredient added to our blend is the highest quality available. That starts with the sand itself. Each of our sands are washed, dried and screened, providing the cleanest, most consistent quality of sand available on the market today.
In addition to using the cleanest sand, SRW products uses a proprietary technology that lightly bonds the admix to the sand, providing zero dust during each step of the process.
Any polymers that could be kicked up during compacting or blowing quickly drop back to the ground preventing dust clouds. In addition, this technology reduces the polymer from separating from the sand during installation.
Zero problems, it’s more than just a tagline. It’s having been or believed from the start that Pavermate Z3 sand provides consistent, reliable results each and every time.
Rain safe in 10 minutes. That’s exactly how our sand performs. A lot happens within 10 minutes of wetting the project, starting with full absorption of water within the first 2 minutes to the polymers gelling together the sand to the sides of each paver.